Benefits of Migrating to Office 365 for My Business

Whether you’re a start-up, a local, medium-sized business or a global corporation, you probably depend on applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel. However, if you haven’t migrated to Office 365, you might be using outdated and insecure applications. Just as importantly, you’re missing out on the many business benefits that Office 365 has to offer.

What Is Office 365?

Office 365 is a suite of software applications by Microsoft Windows. They include Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and Outlook – most of which are used by many Australian businesses daily. Just a few years ago, you’d need to install each of these applications on every device you wished to use them. Now, you can subscribe to Office 365, which enables you to access the same applications using the internet.

Why Migrate to Office 365?

For businesses in Australia, Office 365 is beneficial for countless reasons. It improves data security, collaboration, productivity and more. Still wondering why move to O365? Here are the primary benefits in more detail:

  • Store documents in the cloud

Instead of saving essential documents on your hard drive, you can store them on OneDrive, Microsoft’s cloud storage solution. As a result, you won’t have to worry about accidentally losing any sensitive information.

  • Access documents using any device with an internet connection

Because you can save your files in the cloud, you can access them using any device with an internet connection, regardless of your location. Microsoft has created its applications to be flexible so that you can work on documents using your computer, tablet or phone.

  • Ensure you always have the latest applications

Microsoft frequently releases software updates, security upgrades and patches for its Office applications. With the standard Office applications, you’ll have to install these updates manually or download them when prompted. Use Office 365, and you’ll always be using the very latest version of your essential business applications.

  • Collaborate on documents in real-time

One of the best features of Office 365 is that it enables multiple users to work on the same document at the same time, boosting workplace productivity and communication while saving you time and money.

  • Learn ways to optimise core business processes

The powerful Office 365 business drivers are capable of bringing together and analysing data from any compatible application, which could give you some invaluable insights regarding ways to streamline your business processes. If you want to learn more about the data analysis capabilities of Office 365, we encourage you to call us.

Learn More about Office 365

Office 365 comprises all the essential applications you need to run many of your core business processes, but it comes with the added benefits of improved security, communication, productivity and value. Instead of purchasing each application outright (which you’ll need to do periodically to remain on top of the latest developments), you can subscribe to the cloud-hosted suite of Office 365 applications and realise all the benefits detailed above. If you need help migrating or want to learn more about the advantages of Office 365, you can read more or head over to our contact page or call us today – 08 8387 3889