Business Data Back-up – What You Need to Know

Data is the lifeblood of business, and no matter the size of your business, there is a need to be vigilant about protecting data, as the cyber criminals are looking to get their hands on it. The loss of sensitive information is very costly to recover and is damaging to a business’s reputation.

Imagine if you lost your client data

or your transactional information, or your business data records? Can  you recover this information? Would your business survive?  A recent report completed by IDC indicated every minute of downtime is costing a small busines subject to size from $137 a minute to $437.  Back in 2017 a survey of small businesses in Australia revealed that a failure to back up data was costing between 3-10% of revenue. No wonder research shows that a massive 50% of businesses don’t survive a loss or breach of data.

The main sources of data loss are related to hardware & system problems, human error, software corruption, cyber-attack through computer viruses and natural disasters. The key learning is that a business must have the ability to recover data and resume operations quickly in order to survive. The other learning is be prepared and have a clear plan of action.

Where to start?  

The first step is to be proactive and make sure that you have consulted with your IT provider about the methods being utilised to protect your data sovereignty. Secondly work through how they would recover your data and time involved. This will enable you to calculate the business cost of failure. Then compare the yearly cost of prevention. Remember this Is like taking out an insurance policy and reducing the likelihood of making a claim .

Talk with your local Computer Troubleshooters about a reliable and affordable data backup and recovery solution so you can rest easy at night knowing your data is safe.

It is recommended that your solution includes the utilisation of the cloud to backup data and the usage of cloud infrastructure to recover. Commonly referred to as Cloud computing. Cloud computing is on the rise with Australian businesses.

Switching to a cloud-based application means you won’t need costly on-site equipment & may receive automatic updates and security upgrades within your subscription plan. This delivers significant savings in time and money.

Remember the aim is to protect a business’s data from cybercrime and ensure it can be restored quickly if a loss or breach occurs, minimising disruption to your productivity within the business.

Everyone’s data requirements are different, and your data backup plan needs to meet your business requirements. Some key aspects to consider with a cloud solution are; where the data centre is located, security of the data centre and protocols for access, protection against outages, and the capacity to scale as required. Another major consideration is understanding what will be backed up, and frequency of backup.

Your local Computer Troubleshooters expert understands the effect that data loss and breaches will have on a business, and therefore we only install the most advanced cybersecurity solutions on the market and use only the leading supplier products.

Don’t become a statistic, let us help you increase the productivity of your employees and mitigate the risk of the costly downtime caused by system failures.

Talk with your local Computer Troubleshooters on 08 8387 3889 to understand the data backup and recovery solution options we can provide. Or email we are here to support you!